Urbanized— A documentary I'm very much looking forward to. Gary Hustwit's mojo. Think Helvetica for cities
City Limits: 'Ubranized' Underestimates the Allure of the 'burbs— Interesting commentary and critique of the limits of Hustwit's treatment of the suburbs from Greg Hanscom. Particularly, this quote:
When the final 2010 Census came in, it made clear that we're not walking away from our lawn tractors and two-car garages anytime soon. An analysis of eight metro areas, including Chicago, Washington, D.C., and Austin revealed that in the past decade, 96 percent of the population growth occurred in the suburbs. Some took great exception to this analysis, but Brookings' Frey laterconfided, "The sad truth of the matter is that there's really very little information on this back-to-the-city thing, at least from a demographic standpoint."
No doubt this would benefit from some nuancing, but it doesn't change my passion for the city in the least. Nor does it change my conviction that the proportional absence of Christians in the urban cores everywhere should lead Christians to move into the city, despite what demographics are saying (or not saying).
Either way, I can't wait to see the film!