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October 12, 2007


Pete Williamson

what do you think of Parallels so far?


I bought Parallels specifically for Logos! I'll be happier after I put another stick of ram in my MacBook Pro. (1GB) The power of Logos is illustrated in the recent addition of Pipers sermon manuscripts. I know, I can access them for free @ Desiring God. But Logos allows me to search Piper's thoughts, copy & paist (w/references included!), and reference scripture pop ups with my mouse. With Logos, I love reading on my laptop. It's simple to magnify the text to just the "right" font size. If you haven't tried it I highly recommend you do. My first customer support question had me on the phone with the owner!

Kev...let's keep praying for the native Mac version. Should be soon!


we have logos on jonathan's laptop - tried to use it for a paper a few weeks ago. not too successful - hope you have fun with it. hope you are well! kindly,

Larry Boatright

somebody uses a mac!!!!! sweet! I saw that you had went to school and was glad to hear all of that, but wondered if you had become a true believer... now I know!!

Accordance is great. I just added the Expositor's Bible Commentary and a pack from IVP (with dictionaries, etc) that I'm jazzed about.

How's KC coming?

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