How Missional Is Your Church? (Jonathan Dodson)
However, while I agree that being missional includes being culturally alert and active, church planters often appropriate this idea monoculturally. Our notion of being culturally aware is often radically ethnocentric, primarily restricted to American culture. As missional people, we can become so committed to reaching our own culture that the cultures and peoples of the rest of the world end up taking a backseat. As a result, "missional" becomes a codeword for Western, ethnocentric, monocultural church planting, which leads to churches that aren't fully missional. In turn, this missional short-sightedness produces churches and disciples of Jesus that are not shaped by the insights and challenges of the global church. (read more)
Kevin, Great post. WE have been discussing this in our Bible Study Fellowship on Sunday mornings. More from the slant of, our Church is doing things among the nations, "but are we as God's people being light to our city as well as the world?" has been the question we have been dealing with. The article is helful. I know this. My Church would be mich better at being missional if I had an iphone.
Posted by: Chase | June 21, 2007 at 07:08 AM