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October 25, 2006


david fairchild

Great post. I really do identify with the deterioration of our thought process due in large part to our limited vernacular. We often forget that we are communicating creatures that were built to speak not nly to God and others, but also to ourselves in ways that are most effective and accurate. Without the ability to speak to ourselves, we are left with nothing more than an impulse driven, barbaric reaction to things which happen upon us. The gospel is to be proclaimed (hence the term “good news”), and that to ourselves. It is what frees us and humanity and it is what glorifies our Father. If our speaking is muddled regarding Christ, I do believe there is a denigration of His value and merit on our behalf.

There is a phenomenal work called “The Vanishing Word” by Arthur Hunt. He recognizes the trend of image over word and the effects our language has upon our culture. He would argue that in our thirst for imagery we risk becoming mindless pagans whose minds are so dulled that we lack the biblical and mental defenses we need to resist contrary gospels.

He’s not anti-image, but sees that the word must always trump image. He has a great analysis of image driven cultures starting back with they Egyptians and the kind of logic and thought forms which resulted. I’m not big on subscribing to modernity for the sake of a purely rationalistic view of language, nor am I a fan of Derridian deconstructionism which sees language as suspect at best. One rests on language and logic as savior, the other sees impulse and emotion as the messiah. Christ was the the very “image” of God, yet this image is described best as the “Word” of God. He is able to give meaning to both for His glory and our joy.

Great stuff brother, thanks for getting me thinking this morning!

Colossians 1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.

Strangely enough, we would not know this were it not for God's word which teaches us this truth.

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