For those offended by my (BONO) post, I wanted to apologize. It was probably a poor attempt at humor. I wasn't trying to be witty at someone else's expense. I wasn't trying to malign Paul Hewson (Rock Musician / Humanitarian).
I do think that consumerism-deriding-alter-ego-nicknamed-superhero-rock-stars who devise campaigns to use the consumerism they deride to support their causes invite a measure of ridicule. Again, no character judgments intended against the artist formerly known as Paul Hewson. I am listening to "Crumbs From Your Table" & "One" on repeat all day as penance.
However poorly I attempted to make it, I still think the point remains.
Also, those who didn't see the link to Pasha Malla's, Postcards From "THE EDGE" in the comments of the (OTHER) Bono post, I think you would do well to give it a read.
One love...
Technorati Tags: (RED), bono, nodisrespectintendedtou2fans, snugglewithbono
nice technorati tags.
Posted by: shawn | October 27, 2006 at 10:42 AM
Cawley, your sin of blaspheny against (SAINT BONO) can be atoned for by attending a U2charist
Posted by: Hunter Beaumont | October 31, 2006 at 10:06 AM