Katie and I had the privilege of spending last Sunday with the people of Oikos Fellowship in Bellingham. I have planned on writing a "review" of Oikos (similar to the 10th Ave Alliance review I wrote when Katie and I first moved here), but have been prevented from doing so on a number of occasions. For now, I will let the following comment I made to the folks at Oikos suffice for my review: If we had known about this church before we moved to Vancouver, we wouldn't have moved to Vancouver-- I would have gladly commuted to school.
In addition to the privilege of hanging out with these people (which we have done on several occasions), this time I had the distinct privilege of preaching at Oikos. It was a humbling experience for me for a million reasons-- two of which I will mention here. First, according to my notes, the last sermon I preached was October 24, 2004. It had been a long time, and I certainly felt rusty. Second, the text I was preaching (James 1.22-25) was especially humbling to me-- lest I deceive myself and think that preaching a text means that I live it.
For those who were there on Sunday-- or any others who might be interested-- I will post posted some extra notes/quotes HERE.
(FYI- for all my trash talking about the length of Pete's sermons, I clocked in at just under 48 minutes!)
Technorati Tags: Bellingham, Bellingham Church, Oikos Fellowship
Thanks for the good words. I feel as you do about Oikos and Pete.
Hope we can meet there someday.
Posted by: Robert Campbell | July 26, 2006 at 12:26 PM
Do you have a recording? It has been a while since I have heard you preach.
did you go into the service with your normal 15 minutes of sleep?
Posted by: Daling | July 26, 2006 at 12:59 PM
Yes, Mike, it was recorded. And I am pretty sure the mp3 is on their site.
Posted by: Kevin Cawley | July 26, 2006 at 01:03 PM
Here's the link.
Thanks again for ministering to our people, Kev...we'll try to get you up there again soon.
Posted by: Pete Williamson | July 26, 2006 at 05:13 PM