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June 21, 2006



"they will keep people from talking about the points of the book that are valuable, meaningful, and worthy of note"

Perhaps true in some cases.

I attend Mars Hill and as such have been involved in many conversations that readers of the book have had, and while at times someone will bring up something they found funny Mark said, the vast majority of the conversations center around the main meat of the book.

Just my 10 cents.


Good review... I also reviewed the book on my blog

I recommended the book when I wrote the review, but now, after a few weeks of letting it settle, I think I would rather just recommend that someone download his sermon about Paul planting the Corinthian church. He shares most of the good content of the book in an hour and 15 minutes.

Good call on the one-liners. I didn't know how to express how they sounded, but "juvenile" is dead-on. (Although the first proof you offered, I thought, was not a good example, since I thought it was one of the better stories in the book... maybe I relate more...)

It's unfortunate, but you are right. This book lacks any timeless qualities. In 2 years, this will be in the 75% off rack at Christian book stores, and the one-liners will come back to haunt him. Let's hope that his book on the Atonement is a little more meat, and less twinkies.

Kevin Cawley

Kyle, I'm glad to hear that people at MH are getting into the meat of the book. My statement was based on the simple fact that, thus far, in the blog world at least, this has not been the case.


good job, man...I've posted a link to this.


What kind of scam are you running now? Are you getting free books from publishers? This angers me greatly.

tyler thigpen

good review man. what publishers are you hooked up with?

Kevin Cawley

Tyler, mostly publishers that focus on yoga, diet, health, and fitness. I have been approached by several body-building publishers (both for reviews and for personal photos), but try to keep my obligations down...

Lest anyone think I have the least bit of status or clout with publishers...I simply got in on this deal.

Steve McCoy

Good review KC. After seeing you at R&R, I think you have developed a twitch to Driscollian humor. ;)

I agree it's overdone, laid on too think. I think this is an area he needs to change, and I think it will change. It may hurt the longevity of the book, but it's hard to read the book thinking they intend it for longevity.


I respectfully disagree with your opinion that the "Driscollisms" detract and distract from the meat of the book. I hope/plan to plant a church in the coming years and found great value in his experience, and the "Driscollisms" only help to make it feel like a personal book rather than a textbook of churchplanting theory. I have had many hours of conversation regarding the book with pastor/elders and others at my church, we spend roughly 10% of the conversation laughing at the Driscollisms and 90% discussing the meat.

And by the way, my favorite was either his response to the guy calling him at 3am (page 60) or the unicorns comment on page 103.

Dwayne Forehand

I've been attending Mars Hill for a few years so I may simply be used to the "Driscollisms." They do at times slightly distract me, but more often they just give me a little chuckle. Knowing that Mark is solid in content keeps me pushing along. For someone new to him I can see why this would be stumbling block. That's not why I wanted to comment though. I wanted to say thank you for showing that it is still possible to offer a serious critique in a mature, thoughtful and respectful manner. I had almost forgotten what that look liked.

Thank you.

Michael Foster


Thanks for the great review! I think Driscoll's next book is of a more expicitly serious tone and we calm the soul's of those who worry Driscoll's wealth of knowledge and wisdom will be forever tainted by his "Driscollism."

Michael Foster

opps...I meant "will calm the soul's..."

Mike Anderson

Kevin, Congrats on the Challies link.

Gary Davis

I have to say that I find myself in agreement with your assesment regarding the value of the book, but dumbfounded at how the "markisms", as I call them, detracted from your reading and gleaning of the book. I for one, am more offended when I read someones stuff and they don't share with me what they are thinking. The may be bad stand-up fodder, but they are none the less honest representations of what he is thinking, or remebering, about that time. It is refreshing for me to know that Mark doesn't like everyone.

Kevin Cawley

Gary-- It seems like the difference between us is that I don't think one requires the other. Mike-- def no link for you after that comment. (Was good to see you on Sunday, btw)

Mark S

Kevin wrote

"Kyle, I'm glad to hear that people at MH are getting into the meat of the book. My statement was based on the simple fact that, thus far, in the blog world at least, this has not been the case."

Ah, the blog world, second only to the great city in Revelation as the paragon of culture and thought.


I'm still in the 'can I buy bullets' stage. And there are days when it is SO hard to keep going, enduring the hits to the ego (though I must decrease that He might increase) so forth.

Mark is still pretty young for a pastor. Like me he converted from Roman Catholicism. I'm not sure what other issues he may have had as a teen/young adult. But maturity is a process, and what might be easy for some is more difficult for others. I have a sick sense of humor, so I find most of the Driscollisms funny. Perhaps I need to grow up more in that area.
But EVERY Christian leader I've met or heard about has ISSUES, and I've met a goodly number. Perhaps that's Jesus' way of keeping us from idolatry, since we are so prone toward it.

Dan Weber

Kevin, Nice review. I am really surprised at how many people who have posted on this have not been bummed out with what you are calling "driscollisms". For the first several years that I listened to Driscoll I too chuckled at his one liners, now I am distraught by the things that I am laughing at, particularly when the chuckle comes at the expense of groups like veterans, homosexuals, and less masculine men. Not even close to acceptable. Nevertheless, Mark is extremely gifted and this book will undoubtedly encourage me and many others. Nice Review. dweb

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